kif el sha3eb
min shi 3 tejmei3 kinit 3am bo2ra shwayit akhbar siyesiyeh 3ala, akhbaroun mni7a bye7ko 3ala kil el mayleit ta2riban.
mish hon el mawdou3, lafatleh nazareh “mobile news” maktoubeh bil 3arabeh, kabaset 3laya, tol3o byeb3ato el akhbar SMS 3al telephone (mobile), fi 3 khiyarat tna2eh minnoun,ishtirak 3ala shaher 30$, 3ala sineh 300$ w tajribeh 15 nhar 1$. elet heit hatta na2eh el tajribeh 15 nhar , ba3atetneh 3ala saf7a edfa3 masareh ( el 1 $) dafa3ta w kill shi, katabetleh el saf7a taba3 el bank yalleh byet3emalo ma3o anno el daf3a ata3it, rej3o 7awalouneh 3ala saf7a bi w tfeja2et anno 3am bi 2elouleh anno el daf3a ma meshit w ma tolo3leh el 15 nhar tajribiyeh, teneh nhar 3am bettala3 3ala hsebeh tol3o se7bin el 1$.
ba3atelloun e-mail la sarloun jeme3tein ma 7adan 3abbarneh. fa ya kouno akidin anno ra7 tkoun ekhir marra bjarrib shi ma3koun.
ana befham anno bi saf7at el internet ysir fi mashekil, hayda sheghleh wba3erfo, bass yalleh ma befhamo anno 3ala aktar min jeme3tein ma hadan y3abir zboun baddo yedfa3 masareh.
halla2 3refet leish el websites bi lebnein ma b7ayatoun ra7 yet2addamo, li2anno el ihtimeim bil zboun msa2a3 aktar min alaska
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